The Huge! Insane! Memorial Day Music Yard Sale is ON! – 10,000s of LPs , CDs, 45s +12”s
Woodstock / West Saugerties Saturday May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Monday May 28th 2012
Zip’s Ziggurat presents another
Huge! Insane! Music Yard Sale
10,000s of LPs , CDs, 45s +12”s
rock, pop, hip hop, country, dance, world, folk, reggae, soul, alt.rock, jazz, funk, punk, r+b, metal, classical, techno, new wave, house, old-timey, breaks, spoken, 80’s, electro, blues, promos, DVDs (music + features), tons more
Many at insultingly low prices
As low as $0.50 (hey, some are even “cheaper than free”)
Just back from the stereo repair shop:
A beautiful Denon direct drive turntable A solid, simple Thorens Turntable A nice NAD reciever A fine Harmon Kardon receiver And, if time permits, more stereo equipment and speakers will be set up for sale
We accept credit cards
Listen before you buy
Free refreshments too!
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Monday May 28th 2012
10am – 6pm
All covered, so it’s RAIN OR SHINE
Osnas Lane
Near Rt 212 + Glasco Turnpike junction (Next to Red Onion Restaurant)
Woodstock / West Saugerties NY
Follow the red and white signs
Special Guest: Spike – Selling his unique line of DVDs Vintage music videos from around the world – Video collectibles and the amazing “Scopitones”
See examples at
Map (opens in new window)
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