The Archive of Contemporary Music is a remarkable institution. It is the largest collection of pop music in the US, with millions of LPs, CDs, 45s and other music-related material. When they have a 3rd copy of an item they put it in a pile and then sell the pile. The next sale is coming up. (BTW – some of you may remember the ARC head archivist, Fred Patterson (Phast Phreddie), from his stints at Rhino and at the Back Door Man fanzine)
Here are the details:
Sat JUNE 13 – Sun JUNE 21
Everyday from 11 am to 6 pm
54 White St, New York, NY 10013
Become an ARC member and get a pre-sale party and early bird
shopping on Thursday evening, JUNE 11, 6 – 9 pm
NEW THIS YEAR 92.6% new stock never before offered at the sale.
• TONS of Film Soundtrack & Broadway MOST for a BUCK
• African & world-music
• Punk singles
• Smith singles
• MC5 singles
• Audio equipment
• Classical LPs – new + mint $3 most 4 for $1 – great selection of
Kurt Weill and Classical guitar recordings
• laser discs
• music books
• 100s of videos + DVDs
• the largest selection of 7″ singles since time began!
• For the dis-en-vinyled the Astroturf Yardsale of 50s kitchen stuff
and clothing!!!
Nice one, Zip!