Looks like the weather is gonna be nice this weekend and I’ll be working on the records outside in the yard. It’s all undercover so we’ll be protected.
So what the hell, lets open up the Vinyl Garage and Tent and sell some records. We’ll play some music (perhaps quite loud), we’ll have a coffee, some pastries and a chat and make sure some records have good new homes!
Some are cheaper than free, many many are $1.00 and the prices are pretty damn reasonable after that.
8,000 plus LPs, 45s and 12″s of all genres.
Some nice African stuff just arrived, some coll 45s and lots of knuckle-dragging mainstream rock.
As always, listen before you buy.
Credit / Debit Cards Welcomed!
Osnas Lane, Woodstock / West Saugerties
Right next to the Red Onion Restaurant, at the intersection of Route 212 and Glasco Turnpike.
Look for the red and white signs
Saturday July 6th and Sunday July 7th, 2013
From about 10am to about 7pm
MAP : https://maps.google.com/?ll=42.049315,-74.07074&spn=0.011918,0.033023&hnear=11+Osnas+Ln,+Woodstock,+New+York+12498&t=h&z=16